The initial query was this one:
SELECT object_name(o.object_id,
FROM sys.objects o
INNER JOIN sys.columns c on (c.object_id = o.object_id)
WHERE o.type = 'U'
My solution was the following script that returns all columns names from all user tables in the database context. It returns one row by user table.
SELECT object_name(o.object_id),
(SELECT ','+
FROM sys.columns c
WHERE c.object_id = o.object_id
for XML path(''),type).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
FROM sys.objects o
WHERE o.type = 'U'
FOR XML PATH('') instruction do the trick for returning all columns names into a single column (XML string). The parameter ('') is for eliminate the "<row>" and "</row"> tag.
*The TYPE parameter it is for handling eventual special characters as '<', '>', '&', '/', etc.
*The TYPE parameter it is for handling eventual special characters as '<', '>', '&', '/', etc.
edit*: I want to thanks Jeff Moden for his input about this article. He made some pertinent comments about the TYPE parameter for XML PATH that made me add it and called me attention for improve the solution with only one sub-select, what I also did.